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Global Options

GCX has a large number of configuration options. They can be accesses through the options dialog, which can be brought up by pressing O or File/Edit Options. Clicking on ``save'' in the options dialog will update the default configuration file (.gcxrc), located in the home directory.

When the program stars, it looks for the configuration file. If it cannot be read, it will initialise all parameters with defaults.

There are two ways of modifying some of the options for a specific run: either use the -S command-line option for each option that needs to change, or make a configuration file that contains the option changes for the run and use the -r command-line option. The name used in the configuration file is listed with each option.

File and Device Options

Serial line for gps receiver control

Config file .file.gps_serial
Type string
Default /dev/ttyS0

Command for uncompressing files

The command used to uncompress files; it should take the filename as an argument, and output the uncompressed stream on stdout. The command is called when trying to open files with the name ending in .gz, .zip or .z
Config file .file.uncompress
Type string
Default zcat

Command for compressing files

The command used to uncompress files; it should take the filename as an argument, and replace the file with the compressed version.
Config file .file.compress
Type string
Default gzip -f

Gnuplot command

Command used to invoke gnuplot for ploting graphs in a window.
Config file .file.gnuplot
Type string
Default gnuplot -persist

Monospaced Font

The XFLD for the monospaced font used to display FITS headers and help pages.
Config file .file.mono_font
Type string
Default -misc-fixed-medium-r-*-*-*-120-*-*-*-*-*-*

Phot report file

Output file for obscript phot commands.
Config file .file.phot_out_fn
Type string
Default phot.out

Obs files search path

Path (colon-delimited list of directories) searched when opening observation script files.
Config file .file.obs_path
Type string
Default .:../obs

Rcp files search path

Path (colon-delimited list of directories) searched when opening recipy files.
Config file .file.rcp_path
Type string
Default .:../rcp

GSC location

Location of gsc catalog files. Full pathname of the toplevel gsc directory.
Config file .file.gsc_path
Type string

Tycho2 location

Full pathname of the tycho2 catalog file.
Config file .file.tycho2_path
Type string

Catalog files

Colon-delimited list of catalog files to be searched or loaded into the in-memory catalog. The elements of the list are glob- and tilde-expanded so for instance /*.gcx will load all .gcx files from the home directory. The files are expected to be in gcx recipy format.
Config file .file.catalog_path
Type string
Default ./*.gcx

Preload catalogs

Enable preloading the native format catalog files into memory for faster searching. Preloading takes significantly more time that searching the on-disk files by name; it's reccomended only for merging catalogs or similar operations.
Config file .file.catalog_preload
Type boolean
Default no

Edb directory

Directory containing edb object files.
Config file .file.edb_dir
Type string

Aavso validation file

Location of aavso validation file. The validation file is used to determine the designation given a star name. Any of the validation file formats can be used, except the 'short form by name'. The designation should start in column 0 and the name in column 10.
Config file .file.validation
Type string
Default valnam.txt

Force unsigned FITS

Force all values read from a fits file to be interpreted as unsigned numbers (supporting broken files generated that way).
Config file .file.unsigned_fits
Type boolean
Default no

Western longitudes

Interpret fits header longitudes as western, rather than eastern. Report file longitudes are always western.
Config file .file.west_long
Type boolean
Default yes

Report converter output format

The output format string used by the report converter. See the on-line help for a description.
Config file .file.tab_format
Type string
Default name ra dec mjd smag "v" flags

Auto-unload frames

Unload unmodified frames from the frame list whenever possible to reduce memory usage. The frames will have to be reloaded if needed again.
Config file .file.mem_save
Type boolean
Default yes

New frame width

The width of a newly-created blank frame in pixels.
Config file .file.new_width
Type integer
Default 1024

New frame height

The height of a newly-created blank frame in pixels.
Config file .file.new_height
Type integer
Default 768

New frame scale

The default wcs scale of a newly-created blank frame in arc seconds per pixel.
Config file .file.new_scale
Type real
Default 4.00

Merge positional tolerance

The distance in arc seconds below which we consider two stars to be the same object when merging recipy files.
Config file .file.merge_tolerance
Type real
Default 3.000

Fits Field Names

Fits field for X coordinate of reference pixel

Config file .file.fits.crpix1
Type string
Default CRPIX1

Fits field for Y coordinate of reference pixel

Config file .file.fits.crpix2
Type string
Default CRPIX2

Fits field for WCS R.A. of reference pixel

Config file .file.fits.crval1
Type string
Default CRVAL1

Fits field for WCS Dec of reference pixel

Config file .file.fits.crval2
Type string
Default CRVAL2

Fits field for degrees/pixel in R.A.

Config file .file.fits.cdelt1
Type string
Default CDELT1

Fits field for degrees/pixel in dec

Config file .file.fits.cdelt2
Type string
Default CDELT2

Fits field for field rotation

Config file .file.fits.crota1
Type string
Default CROTA1

Fits field for equinox of WCS

Config file .file.fits.equinox
Type string

Fits field for equinox of WCS

Config file .file.fits.epoch
Type string
Default EPOCH

Fits field for object name

Config file .file.fits.object
Type string
Default OBJECT

Fits field for object R.A.

Config file .file.fits.objctra
Type string

Fits field for object dec

Config file .file.fits.objctdec
Type string

Fits field for image scale

Config file .file.fits.secpix
Type string
Default SECPIX

Fits field for field center

Config file .file.fits.ra
Type string
Default RA

Fits field for field center

Config file .file.fits.dec
Type string
Default DEC

Fits field for filter name

Config file .file.fits.filter
Type string
Default FILTER

Fits field for exposure time

Config file .file.fits.exptime
Type string

Fits field for julian date of observation

Config file .file.fits.jdate
Type string
Default JDATE

Fits field for modified julian date of observation

Config file .file.fits.mjd
Type string
Default MJD

Fits field for date/time of observation

Config file .file.fits.dateobs
Type string
Default DATE-OBS

Fits field for time of observation

Config file .file.fits.timeobs
Type string
Default TIME-OBS

Fits field for telescope name

Config file .file.fits.telescop
Type string

Fits field for focus designation

Config file .file.fits.focus
Type string
Default FOCUS

Fits field for telescope aperture

Config file .file.fits.aperture
Type string
Default APERT

Fits field for focal length

Config file .file.fits.flen
Type string
Default FLEN

Fits field for instrument name

Config file .file.fits.instrument
Type string

Fits field for observer name

Config file
Type string

Fits field for latitude of observing site

Config file .file.fits.latitude
Type string
Default LAT-OBS

Fits field for longitude of observing site

Config file .file.fits.longitude
Type string
Default LONG-OBS

Fits field for altitude of observing site

Config file .file.fits.altitude
Type string
Default ALT-OBS

Fits field for airmas

Config file .file.fits.airmass
Type string

Fits field for sensor temperature

Config file .file.fits.snstemp
Type string
Default SNS_TEMP

Fits field for horisontal binning

Config file .file.fits.binx
Type string
Default CCDBIN1

Fits field for vertical binning

Config file .file.fits.biny
Type string
Default CCDBIN2

Fits field for horisontal window origin

Config file .file.fits.skipx
Type string
Default CCDSKIP1

Fits field for vertical window origin

Config file .file.fits.skipy
Type string
Default CCDSKIP2

Fits field for electrons per ADU

Config file .file.fits.eladu
Type string
Default ELADU

Fits field for average bias of frame

Config file .file.fits.dcbias
Type string
Default DCBIAS

Fits field for readout noise

Config file .file.fits.rdnoise
Type string

Fits field for multiplicative noise coefficient

Config file .file.fits.flnoise
Type string

General Observation Setup Data

Latitude of observing site

Used to annotate frames' fits header, and for calculation of objects' hour angle and airmass. Set in decimal degress.
Config file .obs.latitude
Type real
Default 44.431

Longitude of observing site

Used to annotate frames' fits header, and for calculation of objects' hour angle and airmass. Set in decimal degress, E longitudes negative.
Config file .obs.longitude
Type real
Default -26.114

Altitude of observing site

Used to annotate frames' fits header, and for scintillation calculations; In meters above sea level.
Config file .obs.altitude
Type real
Default 75.0

Observer name

Used to annotate frames' fits header.
Config file
Type string
Default R. Corlan

Observer code

Used to annotate AAVSO format reports.
Config file .obs.obscode
Type string
Default CXR

Telescope name

Used to annotate frames' fits header.
Config file .obs.telescope
Type string
Default SCT

Telescope focal length

Used to annotate frames' fits header, and for calculating the initial WCS image scale (together with the camera pixel size). In centimeters.
Config file .obs.flen
Type real
Default 200.0

Flipped field

Set the inital wcs as flipped (CDELT1 and CDELT2 having opposite signs). The star matching algorithm does not handle flips, so this has to be set right. A normal (non-flipped) field has N up and W to the right.
Config file .obs.flipped
Type boolean
Default no

Telescope aperture

Used to annotate frames' fits header, and for estimating scintillation noise. In centimeters.
Config file .obs.aperture
Type real
Default 30.0

Focus designation

Used to annotate frames' fits header.
Config file .obs.focus
Type string
Default Cassergrain

List of filters

Space-delimited list of filters used to set the choices in the obscript dialog. They are also used as default names for the filters in filter wheels that don't supply their own names
Config file .obs.filters
Type string
Default v r b i RI GI BI clear

Status window pop-up

Enable pop-up of a colored status window when the observation script stops (for an error, or at the end of the script. The window is visible from a distance, and useful to attract attention something needs to be done during a scripted session.
Config file .obs.status_popup
Type boolean
Default yes

Telescope control options

Serial line for telescope control

Config file .tel.scope_serial
Type string
Default /dev/ttyS0

Serial line for filter wheel control

Config file .tel.fwheel_serial
Type string
Default /dev/ttyUSB0

Eastern limit for goto ops (hour angle)

Config file .tel.elimit
Type real
Default -1.0

Enable eastern limit

Config file .tel.elimit_en
Type boolean
Default no

Western limit for goto ops (hour angle)

Config file .tel.wlimit
Type real
Default 1.0

Enable western limit

Config file .tel.wlimit_en
Type boolean
Default no

Southern limit for goto ops (degrees)

Config file .tel.slimit
Type real
Default -45.0

Enable southern limit

Config file .tel.slimit_en
Type boolean
Default yes

Northern limit for goto ops (degrees)

Config file .tel.nlimit
Type real
Default 80.0

Enable northern limit

Config file .tel.nlimit_en
Type boolean
Default yes

Abort obscript gotos that cause a meridian flip

Config file .tel.abort_flip
Type boolean
Default yes

Mount speed when centering (times sidereal rate)

Config file .tel.centering_speed
Type real
Default 32.0

Mount speed when guiding (times sidereal rate)

Config file .tel.centering_speed
Type real
Default 0.5

Use timed centering moves for small slews

Config file .tel.use_centering
Type boolean
Default yes

Precess coordinated sent to the scope to the epoch of the day

Config file .tel.precess_eod
Type boolean
Default yes

Amount of gear play we take out at the end of slews (degrees)

Config file .tel.gear_play
Type real
Default 0.10

Mount stabilisation delay (ms)

Config file .tel.stabilisation_delay
Type integer
Default 1000

Amount of pointing dither between frames (arcmin)

Config file .tel.dither
Type real
Default 0.5

Enable pointing dithering

Config file .tel.dither_en
Type boolean
Default no

Max error we accept in telescope pointing (degrees)

Config file .tel.max_point_err
Type real
Default 0.05

Guiding options

Guiding algorithm

Algorithm used to determine the guide star position error. The reticle algorithm determines the error as the ratio between the total flux in box-shaped areas located horisontally and vertically around the target position; The ratioed reticle tries to maintain the initial flux ratio, rather than a unit ratio.
Config file .guide.algorithm
Type multiple choice
Choices centroid reticle ratioed_reticle
Default centroid

Reticle size

Size of the reticle in pixels. Must be an even value.
Config file .guide.reticle_size
Type integer
Default 2

Centroid area radius

Radius of area inside which the target centroid is calculated.
Config file .guide.centroid_box
Type integer
Default 2

Guide box size

Size of box around the target guide star position used by the guiding algorithm.
Config file .guide.box_size
Type integer
Default 16

Guide box zoom

Zoom level of the small image of the guide box
Config file .guide.zoom
Type integer
Default 4

CCD Reduction options

Minimum backgound sigmas

Minimum number of sigmas the background must have for multiplicative background alignment to be performed when stacking frames.
Config file .ccdred.min_bg_sigmas
Type real
Default 3.0

Method used for stacking frames

Config file .ccdred.stack_method
Type multiple choice
Choices average median kappa_sigma mean_median
Default kappa_sigma

Iteration limit for stacking operations

Config file .ccdred.iterations
Type integer
Default 4

Clipping sigmas for mmedian and k-s

Config file .ccdred.sigmas
Type real
Default 1.5

Run CCD reductions automatically on frame display

Config file
Type boolean
Default yes

Star Detection and Search Options

Star Detection SNR

A star must be above this treshold above the backround to be considered for detection. Expressed in sigmas of the image. Useful range between 3 and 24.
Config file .stars.det_snr
Type real
Default 9.0

Maximum Detected Stars

The maximum number of starts the program will extract from an image. If more are found, only the brightest are kept.
Config file .stars.det_maxstars
Type integer
Default 200

Maximum Catalog Stars

The maximum number of starts the program will extract from a field star catalog. If more are found, only the brightest are kept.
Config file .stars.cat_maxstars
Type integer
Default 300

Faintest Magnitude for Catalog Stars

Config file .stars.cat_maxmag
Type real
Default 16.0

Maximum Radius for Catalog Stars

The maximum radius from the frame center in which we look for catalog stars. The actual radius depends on the frame size; this is a global limit. In minutes of arc.
Config file .stars.cat_maxradius
Type real
Default 120.0

Wcs Fitting Options

Scale tolerance

The maximum amount by which the image scale is changed during the fit. A value of 0.1 implies that scales between 0.9 and 1.1 are accepted. Using a lower value for this parameter will decrease the running time and reduce the chances for an incorrect fit.
Config file .wcs.fit_scale
Type real
Default 0.10

Star position tolerance

The maxiumum position error, in pixels, between a star and a catalog position at which we still consider that the two match. It is unadvisable to increase this parameter much without a coresponding increase in the minimum number of pairs, or the chances for incorrect fits are greatly augumented.
Config file .wcs.fit_tol
Type real
Default 1.5

Rotation tolerance

Maximum accepted field rotation, in degress A value of 180 will match fields with any rotation. Using a lower value for this parameter will decrease the running time and reduce the chances for an incorrect fit.
Config file .wcs.fit_rot
Type real
Default 180.0

Minimum number of pairs

When the algorithm finds a solution with at least this many pairs, it considers it has found a good match and stops. Using less than 5 pairs will likely give many incorrect fits in crowded fields
Config file .wcs.fit_min_pairs
Type integer
Default 5

Max skip

The maximum number of stars that don't seem to have a match in the catalog and are skipped during the search
Config file .wcs.max_skip
Type integer
Default 20

Maximum pairs

Maximum number of pairs fitted. After finding this many, the algorithm stops.
Config file .wcs.max_pairs
Type integer
Default 50

Min A-B distance

The minimum distance between two stars to be used as an initial wcs hypothesis.
Config file .wcs.min_ab_dist
Type real
Default 100.000

Max error for WCS validation

Maximum RMS position error of all pairs at which the WCS is validated. Expressed in pixels.
Config file .wcs.validate_err
Type real
Default 1.50

Min pairs for WCS validation

The minimum number of pairs needed to validate a WCS solution.
Config file .wcs.validate_pairs
Type integer
Default 3

Scale change per iteration

Maximum scale change accepted when iterating the WCS solution. This is an internal parameter few people (if any) will want to change.
Config file .wcs.max_s_chg
Type real
Default 0.0200

Default image scale

Default image scale used for setting the initial WCS when this information is not available from the frame header. In arc seconds per pixel
Config file .wcs.default_scale
Type real
Default 1.50

Aperture Photometry Options

Radius of central aperture

Radius, in pixels, of the central aperture from which the star flux is measured.
Config file .aphot.r1
Type real
Default 4.0

Inner radius of sky annulus

Inner radius, in pixels, of the annulus surrounding the star from which the sky flux is estimated.
Config file .aphot.r2
Type real
Default 9.0

Outer radius of sky annulus

Outer radius, in pixels, of the annulus surrounding the star from which the sky flux is estimated.
Config file .aphot.r3
Type real
Default 13.0

Center apertures

Try to center the measuring aperture on the star before performing the measurement.
Config file .aphot.auto_center
Type boolean
Default yes

Max centering error

The maximum amount a measuring aperture is moved when auto-centering (in pixels).
Config file .aphot.center_err
Type real
Default 2.00

Discard unlocated standards

When this option is set, standard stars than cannot be located within the specified error radius when centering apertures are not used in the solution.
Config file .aphot.discard_unlocated
Type boolean
Default yes

Max center distance

The maximum distance from the frame center at which a standard star must lie in order to be used in the photometry solution. The distance is expressed relative to half the frame's diagonal. A value of 1 will include all stars. This option is useful when we expect large flat-fielding errors or distorted star images at the frame's corners.
Config file .aphot.std_max_distance
Type real
Default 1.00

Sky method

Method used for sky estimation: Average uses the average of the sky annulus pixels; it's not reccomended, as it will not reject nearby stars. Median uses the median of the sky pixels; it's fast and robust, but will not average out quantisation noise. Mean-median uses the average of sky values not farther than sigmas (see below) from the median; Kappa-Sigma computes the sky value by clipping off pixels too far away from the median, and averaging the rest; the standard deviation of the remaining pixels is calculated, and the clipping/averaging is iterated until values converge; Synthetic mode is calaulated as 3*median - 2*mean, where median and mean are the statistics of the kappa-sigma clipped sky annulus. It is the reccomended method.
Config file .aphot.sky_method
Type multiple choice
Choices average median kappa_sigma mean_median synthetic_mode
Default average


Half-width of the acceptance band for kappa-sigma and mean-median sky estimation methods, in sigmas.
Config file .aphot.sigmas
Type real
Default 1.5

Saturation limit

The value over which we mark the stars as being "bright", i.e. possibly saturated.
Config file .aphot.sat_limit
Type real
Default 48000.000

Instrumental band

Name of band the stars are measured into. Used when the frame being reduced does not specify a filter or the Force iband option is set.
Config file .aphot.iband
Type string
Default v

Force iband

Override the filter specification from the frame header with the one set in the Instrumental band parameter.
Config file .aphot.force_iband
Type boolean
Default no

Default catalog error

Default standard magnitude error used when a value is not available.
Config file .aphot.def_std_err
Type real
Default 0.050


Parameter of the robust fitting alogorithm. It sets the fwhm of the rejection function (in standard deviations).
Config file .aphot.alpha
Type real
Default 2.000


Parameter of the robust fitting alogorithm. It sets the sharpness of the rejection function, with higher values resulting in a sharper falloff.
Config file .aphot.beta
Type real
Default 2.000

Multi-Frame Photometry Options

Bands setup

A string which specifies the color indices against which we reduce various bands. It consists of a space-separated list of specifiers of the form: band(b1-b2)[=k/kerr]. In this case, "band" will be reduced against the b1-b2 color index. The optional k and kerr set the default transformation coefficient and it's error for the specified band, like for example v(b-v)=0.06/0.002.
Config file .mframe.bands
Type string
Default b(b-v) v(b-v) r(v-r) i(v-i)

Outlier threshold

Threshold in standard error over which we flag stars as "outliers" for easy identification. Outliers are not excluded from the fit; they are down-weighted by a factor depending on the values of the alpha and beta robust fit parameters.
Config file .mframe.outlier
Type real
Default 3.000

Zeropoint outlier threshold

Threshold in standard error over which an image frame is marked as an outlier of the extinction fit. The existance of an outlier frame usually shows that transparency has had a significant change around that time. As a result, calculation of all-sky zeropoints is inhibited in the vicinity of an outlier frame, until a well-fitting frame is encountered.
Config file .mframe.zp_outlier
Type real
Default 2.000

Minimum airmass variance

The minimum variance of a data set's airmass for which we try to fit an extinction coefficient. For datasets with lower variance, the extinction coefficient is not considered - which doesn't affect the result, as all frames are taken at nearly the same airmass.
Config file .mframe.min_am_variance
Type real
Default 0.0010

Minimum airmass variance

The minimum variance of a data set's color index for which we try to fit a transformation coefficient. For datasets with lower variance, the transformation coefficient is not fitted, as the possibility of obtaining a meaningless value is quite real.
Config file .mframe.min_color_variance
Type real
Default 0.0100

Airmass range

Relative size of the range of airmasses over which we calculate frame zeropoints when doing all-sky reduction. It is expressed relative to the airmass range of the valid standard frames. For example, if the standard frames are taken at airmasses between 1.5 and 2.0, an airmass range of 2.0 will enable all-sky zeropoint calculations for frames with airmasses between 1.25 and 2.25.
Config file .mframe.airmass_range
Type real
Default 2.000

Airmass maximum range

The absolute maximum amount we add to or subtract from the standard frames' airmass range when calculating the range in which frames which are reduced all-sky must lie.
Config file .mframe.airmass_max_range
Type real
Default 0.500

Limiting magnitude from zeropoint

The amount we subtract from the zeropoint of a frame in order to obtain the limiting magnitude used for reporting purposes.
Config file .mframe.lmag_from_zp
Type real
Default 7.000

Star Display Options

Label Target Stars

Show name labels for target stars
Config file .display.target_labels
Type boolean
Default yes

Label Catalog Objects

Show name labels for catalog objects
Config file .display.cat_labels
Type boolean
Default no

Label Standard Stars

Show magitude labels (with the decimal point omitted) for standard stars
Config file .display.std_labels
Type boolean
Default yes

Standard Star Label Band

The band from which the magnitude used for standard star labeling is taken
Config file .display.std_label_band
Type string
Default v

Minimum star size

The minimum radius of a star symbol on screen, in pixels
Config file .display.min_sz
Type integer
Default 1

Maximum display star size

The maximum radius of a star symbol on screen, in pixels.
Config file .display.max_sz
Type integer
Default 18

Default display star size

The default radius of a star symbol on screen, used when no magnitude information is known; in pixels.
Config file .display.default_sz
Type integer
Default 6

Display pixels per magnitude

The amount the star symbols increase in radius for an increase in brightness of 1 magnitude; in pixels
Config file .display.pix_per_mag
Type real
Default 1.00

Brightest symbol magnitude

The magnitude at which we stop increasing star symbol sizes
Config file .display.maxmag
Type real
Default 5.0

Display limiting magnitude

Magnitude of the faintest displayed objects
Config file .display.dlimmag
Type real
Default 17.0

Show fainter stars

Show stars fainter than the display limiting magnitude (at minimum size)
Config file .display.dlimfainter
Type boolean
Default no

Zoom star shapes

Scale star shapes when the image is zoomed. Regardless of the value of this parameter, aphot shapes are always zoomed, while blob symbols never are.
Config file .display.zoom
Type boolean
Default yes

Star shapes zoom limit

The maximum scale factor applied to star shapes. This limit does not apply to aphot shapes.
Config file .display.zoom_limit
Type integer
Default 4

Plot error scale

The amount by which the position errors are multiplied when the position error plot is generated.
Config file .display.plot_err_scale
Type real
Default 100.0

Star Display Colors

Autodected Stars Color

Config file .display.color.simple
Type multiple choice
Choices red orange yellow green cyan blue light_blue gray white
Default green

Field Stars Color

Config file .display.color.field
Type multiple choice
Choices red orange yellow green cyan blue light_blue gray white
Default red

Standard Stars Color

Config file .display.color.apstd
Type multiple choice
Choices red orange yellow green cyan blue light_blue gray white
Default red

Target Stars Color

Config file
Type multiple choice
Choices red orange yellow green cyan blue light_blue gray white
Default red

Catalog Objects Color

Config file .display.color.catalog
Type multiple choice
Choices red orange yellow green cyan blue light_blue gray white
Default yellow

User-Marked Stars Color

Config file .display.color.usel
Type multiple choice
Choices red orange yellow green cyan blue light_blue gray white
Default green

Align Stars Color

Config file .display.color.align
Type multiple choice
Choices red orange yellow green cyan blue light_blue gray white
Default orange

Selected Stars Color

Config file .display.color.selected
Type multiple choice
Choices red orange yellow green cyan blue light_blue gray white
Default white

Star Display Shapes

Autodected Stars Shape

Config file .display.shape.simple
Type multiple choice
Choices circle square blob aphot diamond cross
Default square

Field Stars Shape

Config file .display.shape.field
Type multiple choice
Choices circle square blob aphot diamond cross
Default diamond

Standard Stars Shape

Config file .display.shape.apstd
Type multiple choice
Choices circle square blob aphot diamond cross
Default aphot

Target Stars Shape

Config file
Type multiple choice
Choices circle square blob aphot diamond cross
Default cross

Catalog Objects Shape

Config file .display.shape.catalog
Type multiple choice
Choices circle square blob aphot diamond cross
Default diamond

User-Marked Stars Shape

Config file .display.shape.usel
Type multiple choice
Choices circle square blob aphot diamond cross
Default circle

Align Stars Shape

Config file .display.shape.align
Type multiple choice
Choices circle square blob aphot diamond cross
Default circle

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Radu Corlan 2004-12-07