[AAVSO LightCurve, 1yr] [AAVSO LightCurve, 5yr]

GCVS data:
Epoch 2000: ra = 241.824, dec = 9.931
Variability type: M
Spectral type: M3e-M6e

GCVS remarks:
P var. Max = 2421158 + 237.70d*E (JD2414000 - 22000); Max = 2422347 + 236.78d*E (JD2422000 - 26600); Max = 2426609 + 239.21d*E (JD2426600 - 32500); since JD2432500 - see Table.

Search (U-SER): Google Scirus AAVSO
Search (U SERPENTIS):Google Scirus AAVSO

Chart status: OK

Observations on this site:
2453237 7.7 7.5

2453189 7.6 7.6

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