Involuntary Amateur Sky Survey
This is a web interface to a database with most of our CCD-images, taken between april 2003 and today.
We took these images for certain purposes, primarily to measure variable stars, but it might happen that one of these images catches a place on the sky that is of interest to you (such as the position of a potentially variable star or a passing asteroid). The `Involuntary Amateur Sky Survey' is a system with which you can query such databases. Currently, two kinds of queries are supported:
Although we have almost 5000 images in the database, they only cover a small surface of the sky (perhaps under 1% of the northern sky). A position which gives some results is, for example: RA=73.5, DEC=41.8.
If you find images of interest, write to us (see email address here) and we'll send them to you.
The source code of this software is part of AVSOMAT. To install a similar database on your site you only need to compile and install the respective components.
A future version of the Involuntary Amateur Sky Survey will make it possible to query all online image databases at once, from any of the participating sites.